Waihora Lagoon

Waihora Lagoon

Fed by rainwater and surrounded by mature Rimu and Kahikatea trees, Waihora Lagoon is a breathtaking sight at the end of a short sub 10 minutes. The lagoon is home to rare plants and microorganisms. The short walk ends with a boardwalk and viewing platform, offering access while protecting the fragile landscape.

With no spring or stream to feed the lagoon, water levels can vary depending upon the time of year and rainfall leading up to visits. During our visit, although the water was a distant puddle, it provided enough that the Bellfrogs (an Australian import) were at home amongst the reeds, and their calls echoing in this natural amphitheatre was nothing short of spectacular.

The track begins approximately 7km from Western Bays Road and is best suited to vehicles with good ground clearance as the surface can be rutted and uneven.

Wildlife: 1

Scenic: 1

History / Points of interest: 1

Quiet / Relaxed: 1

Visit again: 1

Smiles per Hour rating: 5


Tags: Purera  Waihora Lagoon  Tihoi  

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