Deliverance Cove

Deliverance Cove

If the lighthouse is the drawcard of Castle Point, then Deliverance Cove is a hidden gem.

From the main car park at Castle Point, the Deliverance Cove track gently makes its way through a pine forest and into farmland overlooking Deliverance Cove and the gap.

The elevation provides spectacular views back to the castle point lighthouse through the lagoon and down the coast.
At the time of publishing this, the track is no longer looped, as the section down to the beach is closed due to a slip.
From the end of the DOC track, a well-defined route continues to the peak of Castle Rock, providing spectacular views on a clear day.

Wildlife: 1/2

Scenic: 1

History / Points of interest: 1

Quiet / Relaxed: 1/2

Visit again: 1

Smiles per Hour rating: 4


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