Ruatiti Domain

Ruatiti Domain

No beating around the bush. Ruatiti Domain is the baseline for which all other campsites are measured.

Slightly off the beaten track, the drive to Ruatiti Domain tells you, you are going somewhere beautiful as you descend into the valley.
This free camping spot boasts an ice-cold river fed from the mountains of the central plateau, enjoy a quick dip in the various swimming holes, enjoy a spot of trout fishing (licence required) and cook your catch on one of the many fire pits.

The vast area is divided by strands of mature trees and native plantings, attracting an abundance of native bird life and providing privacy.

At night Whio (native Blue duck) can be seen feeding in the rapids and Kiwi calling in the nearby bush.

Facilities include fire pits, wood-fired BBQs, multiple loos and tap water (boiling required).

Wildlife: 1
Scenic: 1
History / Points of interest: 1
Quiet / Relaxed: 1
Visit again: 1
Smiles per Hour rating: 5

Getting there:

A few kilometres north of Raetihi, turn into Ruatiti Rd. Follow Ruatiti road until it turns to gravel (approx 16 kilometres). Ruatiti Domain is 1 kilometre along the gravel.

Note: Low vehicles might have issues gaining access due to speed bumps.

As seen in our, "camping with the boys, cycle trails and fire cooking"and "A journey of discovery" episodes on Youtube.


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